In honor of Israel’s 75th birthday, World Mizrachi is arranging two exciting back-to-back events in Yerushalayim:
1. A two-day commemoration of Yom HaZikaron and celebration of Yom HaAtzmaut.
2. The inaugural World Orthodox Israel Congress for Jewish professional and lay leaders representing communities from across the world.
Bringing together thousands of participants from Israel and abroad to celebrate Israel75 in Jerusalem – marking this historic milestone, connecting to the capital of Israel, and our common future.
TENTATIVE SCHEDULE (subject to change)
Monday, April 24
17:30 Buses leave hotels 17:45 Registration and Dinner (Nefesh B’Nefesh Center, Cinema City) 19:30 The Center for Religious Affairs in the Diaspora’s moving Yom HaZikaron evening tekes (ceremony), featuring prominent mothers of fallen soldiers and victims of terror, with musical accompaniment from Yonatan Razel and the Hoter family. Featuring Rabbanit Rachelle Fraenkel, the Hoter family, and more. In conjunction with OneFamily (Binyanei Hauma)
Tuesday, April 25 Shacharit and Breakfast (for those in hotels) 9:30 Buses leave hotels 11:00 The main Yom HaZikaron state ceremony at Har Herzl followed by guided tours 12:45 Lunch (Jerusalem College of Technology – Lev Academic Center)
13:30 Special visits to families of fallen soldiers and victims of terror. In conjunction with OneFamily
16:30 Return to hotels ** End of Commemoration (Yom HaZikaron) program **
** Start of Celebration (Yom HaAtzmaut) program **
18:00 Dinner at hotels 19:00 Buses leave hotels 19:30 Joining OU Israel’s Yom HaAtzmaut Tefillah with Rabbi Shlomo Katz (Gan HaPa’amon) 21:30 Special Yom HaAtzmaut celebration featuring Ishay Ribo, in the majestic Sultan’s Pool, also featuring IDF Chief Cantor Shai Abramson with the IDF Rabbinical Choir, and a special surprise performance Wednesday, April 26 8:30 Yom HaAtzmaut festive musical Tefillah at the Museum of Tolerance, followed by breakfast 11:00 Historical tiyulim (tours) with top tour guides 14:00 Celebratory BBQ Lunch and closing of program 17:00 Return to hotels and end of program ** End of Celebration (Yom HaAtzmaut) program **
The inaugural World Orthodox Israel Congress for Jewish professional and lay leaders representing communities from across the world. Built around tailored tracks, the Congress will address the most pressing challenges facing our global community, with a focus on practical and sustainable global responses.